
As a family business, we seek lasting, trusting partnerships with customers and suppliers. The better we know each other, the better you will be advised and accompanied by us.

    Benefit from our expertise

    • Detailed consultation when it comes to stents, at your office or also directly at the stent placement.
    • Support in finding the perfectly matched consumables for daily use (biopsy forceps, Hemmoclip, etc.)
    • or in the area of special products. (ERCP area)
    • Model training Thanks to our Medical Training Tool we can simulate realistic surgeries and procedures. The many years of expertise of our product specialists is applied here on a 1:1 basis.

    As a reliable and flexible contact partner we support you in all questions. Our ideas and individual solutions should convince you in the long term that you have found the right partner for all endoscopy questions with us.

    We think entrepreneurially and take time for you so that we can advise you with a view to today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

    Are you interested now? Contact us.

    Were we not able to arouse your interest yet? All the more reason to contact us.

    Joëlle Labourot

    Sales and Consulting West of Switzerland (French)

    +41 79 722 17 71

    Tobias Richter

    Sales and Consulting East of Switzerland (German)

    +41 79 239 75 14

    Andrea Hurni

    Sales and Consulting Center of Switzerland (German)

    +41 79 196 47 79

    Jonas Meierhans