Model training

No one puts theory into practice as directly as we do. With us, you do it yourself before you decide on products.

At the unique DesoMedical Training Tool you can try out new things, train your employees and test products directly. The anatomically precise model allows you to test under real conditions without risk.

The trainings take place in your own premises in short blocks, adapted to your needs.

Questions & answers

For whom is the training suitable?

The training is aimed primarily at doctors and nursing staff in the field of gastroenterology. However, other interested persons are also welcome.

How long does the training last?

Normally about 1-2 hours. If more time is needed, we rather recommend to divide the training into two sessions: In our experience this is more efficient and the concentration of the participants is higher.

Is the training guided or do we work independently?

We discuss the desired topics in advance so that we can provide you with targeted information and set individual priorities. The trainings are therefore basically led by us, but if you wish you can also do them independently or together with us.

What does the training cost?

The training is part of our consulting services and is therefore offered free of charge.

How do the trainings work?

We flexibly adapt to your wishes and possibilities and plan it together with you.

But we also know how quickly a daily routine can change in a hospital. For example, we also offer to be on site for a certain period of time and your employees spontaneously drop in on the training when it suits them best.
